Emergent Mind

Generalized two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis with regularization

Published Jan 23, 2018 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Recent advances show that two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis (2DLDA) is a successful matrix based dimensionality reduction method. However, 2DLDA may encounter the singularity issue theoretically and the sensitivity to outliers. In this paper, a generalized Lp-norm 2DLDA framework with regularization for an arbitrary $p>0$ is proposed, named G2DLDA. There are mainly two contributions of G2DLDA: one is G2DLDA model uses an arbitrary Lp-norm to measure the between-class and within-class scatter, and hence a proper $p$ can be selected to achieve the robustness. The other one is that by introducing an extra regularization term, G2DLDA achieves better generalization performance, and solves the singularity problem. In addition, G2DLDA can be solved through a series of convex problems with equality constraint, and it has closed solution for each single problem. Its convergence can be guaranteed theoretically when $1\leq p\leq2$. Preliminary experimental results on three contaminated human face databases show the effectiveness of the proposed G2DLDA.

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