Emergent Mind

Upgrading from Gaussian Processes to Student's-T Processes

Published Jan 18, 2018 in stat.ML


Gaussian process priors are commonly used in aerospace design for performing Bayesian optimization. Nonetheless, Gaussian processes suffer two significant drawbacks: outliers are a priori assumed unlikely, and the posterior variance conditioned on observed data depends only on the locations of those data, not the associated sample values. Student's-T processes are a generalization of Gaussian processes, founded on the Student's-T distribution instead of the Gaussian distribution. Student's-T processes maintain the primary advantages of Gaussian processes (kernel function, analytic update rule) with additional benefits beyond Gaussian processes. The Student's-T distribution has higher Kurtosis than a Gaussian distribution and so outliers are much more likely, and the posterior variance increases or decreases depending on the variance of observed data sample values. Here, we describe Student's-T processes, and discuss their advantages in the context of aerospace optimization. We show how to construct a Student's-T process using a kernel function and how to update the process given new samples. We provide a clear derivation of optimization-relevant quantities such as expected improvement, and contrast with the related computations for Gaussian processes. Finally, we compare the performance of Student's-T processes against Gaussian process on canonical test problems in Bayesian optimization, and apply the Student's-T process to the optimization of an aerostructural design problem.

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