Emergent Mind


In this paper we consider the problem of single monocular image depth estimation. It is a challenging problem due to its ill-posedness nature and has found wide application in industry. Previous efforts belongs roughly to two families: learning-based method and interactive method. Learning-based method, in which deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is widely used, can achieve good result. But they suffer low generalization ability and typically perform poorly for unfamiliar scenes. Besides, data-hungry nature for such method makes data aquisition expensive and time-consuming. Interactive method requires human annotation of depth which, however, is errorneous and of large variance. To overcome these problems, we propose a new perspective for single monocular image depth estimation problem: size to depth. Our method require sparse label for real-world size of object rather than raw depth. A Coarse depth map is then inferred following geometric relationships according to size labels. Then we refine the depth map by doing energy function optimization on conditional random field(CRF). We experimentally demonstrate that our method outperforms traditional depth-labeling methods and can produce satisfactory depth maps.

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