Emergent Mind

Optimal locally repairable codes of distance $3$ and $4$ via cyclic codes

Published Jan 11, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


Like classical block codes, a locally repairable code also obeys the Singleton-type bound (we call a locally repairable code {\it optimal} if it achieves the Singleton-type bound). In the breakthrough work of \cite{TB14}, several classes of optimal locally repairable codes were constructed via subcodes of Reed-Solomon codes. Thus, the lengths of the codes given in \cite{TB14} are upper bounded by the code alphabet size $q$. Recently, it was proved through extension of construction in \cite{TB14} that length of $q$-ary optimal locally repairable codes can be $q+1$ in \cite{JMX17}. Surprisingly, \cite{BHHMV16} presented a few examples of $q$-ary optimal locally repairable codes of small distance and locality with code length achieving roughly $q2$. Very recently, it was further shown in \cite{LMX17} that there exist $q$-ary optimal locally repairable codes with length bigger than $q+1$ and distance propositional to $n$. Thus, it becomes an interesting and challenging problem to construct new families of $q$-ary optimal locally repairable codes of length bigger than $q+1$. In this paper, we construct a class of optimal locally repairable codes of distance $3$ and $4$ with unbounded length (i.e., length of the codes is independent of the code alphabet size). Our technique is through cyclic codes with particular generator and parity-check polynomials that are carefully chosen.

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