Emergent Mind


Fano's inequality is one of the most elementary, ubiquitous, and important tools in information theory. Using majorization theory, Fano's inequality is generalized to a broad class of information measures, which contains those of Shannon and R\'{e}nyi. When specialized to these measures, it recovers and generalizes the classical inequalities. Key to the derivation is the construction of an appropriate conditional distribution inducing a desired marginal distribution on a countably infinite alphabet. The construction is based on the infinite-dimensional version of Birkhoff's theorem proven by R\'{e}v\'{e}sz [Acta Math. Hungar. 1962, 3, 188{\textendash}198], and the constraint of maintaining a desired marginal distribution is similar to coupling in probability theory. Using our Fano-type inequalities for Shannon's and R\'{e}nyi's information measures, we also investigate the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of Shannon's and R\'{e}nyi's equivocations when the error probabilities vanish. This asymptotic behavior provides a novel characterization of the asymptotic equipartition property (AEP) via Fano's inequality.

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