Emergent Mind

Threshold Auto-Tuning Metric Learning

Published Jan 7, 2018 in cs.LG and stat.ML


It has been reported repeatedly that discriminative learning of distance metric boosts the pattern recognition performance. A weak point of ITML-based methods is that the distance threshold for similarity/dissimilarity constraints must be determined manually and it is sensitive to generalization performance, although the ITML-based methods enjoy an advantage that the Bregman projection framework can be applied for optimization of distance metric. In this paper, we present a new formulation of metric learning algorithm in which the distance threshold is optimized together. Since the optimization is still in the Bregman projection framework, the Dykstra algorithm can be applied for optimization. A nonlinear equation has to be solved to project the solution onto a half-space in each iteration. Na\"{i}ve method takes $O(LMn{3})$ computational time to solve the nonlinear equation. In this study, an efficient technique that can solve the nonlinear equation in $O(Mn{3})$ has been discovered. We have proved that the root exists and is unique. We empirically show that the accuracy of pattern recognition for the proposed metric learning algorithm is comparable to the existing metric learning methods, yet the distance threshold is automatically tuned for the proposed metric learning algorithm.

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