Emergent Mind

IMU2Face: Real-time Gesture-driven Facial Reenactment

Published Dec 18, 2017 in cs.CV


We present IMU2Face, a gesture-driven facial reenactment system. To this end, we combine recent advances in facial motion capture and inertial measurement units (IMUs) to control the facial expressions of a person in a target video based on intuitive hand gestures. IMUs are omnipresent, since modern smart-phones, smart-watches and drones integrate such sensors, e.g., for changing the orientation of the screen content, counting steps, or for flight stabilization. Face tracking and reenactment is based on the state-of-the-art real-time Face2Face facial reenactment system. Instead of transferring facial expressions from a source to a target actor, we employ an IMU to track the hand gestures of a source actor and use its orientation to modify the target actor's expressions.

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