Emergent Mind

Information Bottleneck on General Alphabets

Published Jan 3, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


We prove rigorously a source coding theorem that can probably be considered folklore, a generalization to arbitrary alphabets of a problem motivated by the Information Bottleneck method. For general random variables $(Y, X)$, we show essentially that for some $n \in \mathbb{N}$, a function $f$ with rate limit $\log|f| \le nR$ and $I(Yn; f(Xn)) \ge nS$ exists if and only if there is a random variable $U$ such that the Markov chain $Y - X - U$ holds, $I(U; X) \le R$ and $I(U; Y) \ge S$. The proof relies on the well established discrete case and showcases a technique for lifting discrete coding theorems to arbitrary alphabets.

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