Emergent Mind

Modelling Noise-Resilient Single-Switch Scanning Systems

Published Dec 28, 2017 in cs.HC


Single-switch scanning systems allow nonspeaking individuals with motor disabilities to communicate by triggering a single switch (e.g., raising an eye brow). A problem with current single-switch scanning systems is that while they result in reasonable performance in noiseless conditions, for instance via simulation or tests with able-bodied users, they fail to accurately model the noise sources that are introduced when a non-speaking individual with motor disabilities is triggering the switch in a realistic use context. To help assist the development of more noise-resilient single-switch scanning systems we have developed a mathematical model of scanning systems which incorporates extensive noise modelling. Our model includes an improvement to the standard scanning method, which we call fast-scan, which we show via simulation can be more suitable for certain users of scanning systems.

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