Emergent Mind

Transfer Regression via Pairwise Similarity Regularization

Published Dec 23, 2017 in cs.LG


Transfer learning methods address the situation where little labeled training data from the "target" problem exists, but much training data from a related "source" domain is available. However, the overwhelming majority of transfer learning methods are designed for simple settings where the source and target predictive functions are almost identical, limiting the applicability of transfer learning methods to real world data. We propose a novel, weaker, property of the source domain that can be transferred even when the source and target predictive functions diverge. Our method assumes the source and target functions share a Pairwise Similarity property, where if the source function makes similar predictions on a pair of instances, then so will the target function. We propose Pairwise Similarity Regularization Transfer, a flexible graph-based regularization framework which can incorporate this modeling assumption into standard supervised learning algorithms. We show how users can encode domain knowledge into our regularizer in the form of spatial continuity, pairwise "similarity constraints" and how our method can be scaled to large data sets using the Nystrom approximation. Finally, we present positive and negative results on real and synthetic data sets and discuss when our Pairwise Similarity transfer assumption seems to hold in practice.

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