Emergent Mind


We study the problem of finding a minimum-distortion embedding of the shortest path metric of an unweighted graph into a "simpler" metric $X$. Computing such an embedding (exactly or approximately) is a non-trivial task even when $X$ is the metric induced by a path, or, equivalently, into the real line. In this paper we give approximation and fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms for minimum-distortion embeddings into the metric of a subdivision of some fixed graph $H$, or, equivalently, into any fixed 1-dimensional simplicial complex. More precisely, we study the following problem: For given graphs $G$, $H$ and integer $c$, is it possible to embed $G$ with distortion $c$ into a graph homeomorphic to $H$? Then embedding into the line is the special case $H=K2$, and embedding into the cycle is the case $H=K3$, where $K_k$ denotes the complete graph on $k$ vertices. For this problem we give -an approximation algorithm, which in time $f(H)\cdot \text{poly} (n)$, for some function $f$, either correctly decides that there is no embedding of $G$ with distortion $c$ into any graph homeomorphic to $H$, or finds an embedding with distortion $\text{poly}(c)$; -an exact algorithm, which in time $f'(H, c)\cdot \text{poly} (n)$, for some function $f'$, either correctly decides that there is no embedding of $G$ with distortion $c$ into any graph homeomorphic to $H$, or finds an embedding with distortion $c$. Prior to our work, $\text{poly}(\mathsf{OPT})$-approximation or FPT algorithms were known only for embedding into paths and trees of bounded degrees.

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