Emergent Mind

NAG: Network for Adversary Generation

Published Dec 9, 2017 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Adversarial perturbations can pose a serious threat for deploying machine learning systems. Recent works have shown existence of image-agnostic perturbations that can fool classifiers over most natural images. Existing methods present optimization approaches that solve for a fooling objective with an imperceptibility constraint to craft the perturbations. However, for a given classifier, they generate one perturbation at a time, which is a single instance from the manifold of adversarial perturbations. Also, in order to build robust models, it is essential to explore the manifold of adversarial perturbations. In this paper, we propose for the first time, a generative approach to model the distribution of adversarial perturbations. The architecture of the proposed model is inspired from that of GANs and is trained using fooling and diversity objectives. Our trained generator network attempts to capture the distribution of adversarial perturbations for a given classifier and readily generates a wide variety of such perturbations. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that perturbations crafted by our model (i) achieve state-of-the-art fooling rates, (ii) exhibit wide variety and (iii) deliver excellent cross model generalizability. Our work can be deemed as an important step in the process of inferring about the complex manifolds of adversarial perturbations.

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