Emergent Mind

Saccade Sequence Prediction: Beyond Static Saliency Maps

Published Nov 29, 2017 in cs.CV


Visual attention is a field with a considerable history, with eye movement control and prediction forming an important subfield. Fixation modeling in the past decades has been largely dominated computationally by a number of highly influential bottom-up saliency models, such as the Itti-Koch-Niebur model. The accuracy of such models has dramatically increased recently due to deep learning. However, on static images the emphasis of these models has largely been based on non-ordered prediction of fixations through a saliency map. Very few implemented models can generate temporally ordered human-like sequences of saccades beyond an initial fixation point. Towards addressing these shortcomings we present STAR-FC, a novel multi-saccade generator based on a central/peripheral integration of deep learning-based saliency and lower-level feature-based saliency. We have evaluated our model using the CAT2000 database, successfully predicting human patterns of fixation with equivalent accuracy and quality compared to what can be achieved by using one human sequence to predict another. This is a significant improvement over fixation sequences predicted by state-of-the-art saliency algorithms.

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