Emergent Mind

JamBot: Music Theory Aware Chord Based Generation of Polyphonic Music with LSTMs

Published Nov 21, 2017 in cs.SD , cs.AI , cs.IT , cs.LG , eess.AS , math.IT , and stat.ML


We propose a novel approach for the generation of polyphonic music based on LSTMs. We generate music in two steps. First, a chord LSTM predicts a chord progression based on a chord embedding. A second LSTM then generates polyphonic music from the predicted chord progression. The generated music sounds pleasing and harmonic, with only few dissonant notes. It has clear long-term structure that is similar to what a musician would play during a jam session. We show that our approach is sensible from a music theory perspective by evaluating the learned chord embeddings. Surprisingly, our simple model managed to extract the circle of fifths, an important tool in music theory, from the dataset.

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