Emergent Mind

Majority Model on Random Regular Graphs

Published Nov 1, 2017 in cs.DS , cs.DC , and cs.DM


Consider a graph $G=(V,E)$ and an initial random coloring where each vertex $v \in V$ is blue with probability $Pb$ and red otherwise, independently from all other vertices. In each round, all vertices simultaneously switch their color to the most frequent color in their neighborhood and in case of a tie, a vertex keeps its current color. The main goal of the present paper is to analyze the behavior of this basic and natural process on the random $d$-regular graph $\mathbb{G}{n,d}$. It is shown that for all $\epsilon>0$, $Pb \le 1/2-\epsilon$ results in final complete occupancy by red in $\mathcal{O}(\logd\log n)$ rounds with high probability, provided that $d\geq c/\epsilon2$ for a suitable constant $c$. Furthermore, we show that with high probability, $\mathbb{G}_{n,d}$ is immune; i.e., the smallest dynamic monopoly is of linear size. A dynamic monopoly is a subset of vertices that can take over in the sense that a commonly chosen initial color eventually spreads throughout the whole graph, irrespective of the colors of other vertices. This answers an open question of Peleg.

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