Emergent Mind

A Theory of Slicing for Probabilistic Control-Flow Graphs

Published Nov 7, 2017 in cs.PL


We present a theory for slicing probabilistic imperative programs -- containing random assignments, and ``observe'' statements (for conditioning) -- represented as probabilistic control-flow graphs (pCFGs) whose nodes modify probability distributions. We show that such a representation allows direct adaptation of standard machinery such as data and control dependence, postdominators, relevant variables, etc to the probabilistic setting. We separate the specification of slicing from its implementation: first we develop syntactic conditions that a slice must satisfy; next we prove that any such slice is semantically correct; finally we give an algorithm to compute the least slice. To generate smaller slices, we may in addition take advantage of knowledge that certain loops will terminate (almost) always. A key feature of our syntactic conditions is that they involve two disjoint slices such that the variables of one slice are probabilistically independent of the variables of the other. This leads directly to a proof of correctness of probabilistic slicing. In a companion article we show adequacy of the semantics of pCFGs with respect to the standard semantics of structured probabilistic programs.

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