Emergent Mind


Contemporary Deep Neural Network (DNN) contains millions of synaptic connections with tens to hundreds of layers. The large computation and memory requirements pose a challenge to the hardware design. In this work, we leverage the intrinsic activation sparsity of DNN to substantially reduce the execution cycles and the energy consumption. An end-to-end training algorithm is proposed to develop a lightweight run-time predictor for the output activation sparsity on the fly. From our experimental results, the computation overhead of the prediction phase can be reduced to less than 5% of the original feedforward phase with negligible accuracy loss. Furthermore, an energy-efficient hardware architecture, SparseNN, is proposed to exploit both the input and output sparsity. SparseNN is a scalable architecture with distributed memories and processing elements connected through a dedicated on-chip network. Compared with the state-of-the-art accelerators which only exploit the input sparsity, SparseNN can achieve a 10%-70% improvement in throughput and a power reduction of around 50%.

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