Emergent Mind

Background Subtraction via Fast Robust Matrix Completion

Published Nov 3, 2017 in cs.CV and eess.IV


Background subtraction is the primary task of the majority of video inspection systems. The most important part of the background subtraction which is common among different algorithms is background modeling. In this regard, our paper addresses the problem of background modeling in a computationally efficient way, which is important for current eruption of "big data" processing coming from high resolution multi-channel videos. Our model is based on the assumption that background in natural images lies on a low-dimensional subspace. We formulated and solved this problem in a low-rank matrix completion framework. In modeling the background, we benefited from the in-face extended Frank-Wolfe algorithm for solving a defined convex optimization problem. We evaluated our fast robust matrix completion (fRMC) method on both background models challenge (BMC) and Stuttgart artificial background subtraction (SABS) datasets. The results were compared with the robust principle component analysis (RPCA) and low-rank robust matrix completion (RMC) methods, both solved by inexact augmented Lagrangian multiplier (IALM). The results showed faster computation, at least twice as when IALM solver is used, while having a comparable accuracy even better in some challenges, in subtracting the backgrounds in order to detect moving objects in the scene.

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