Emergent Mind

BinPro: A Tool for Binary Source Code Provenance

Published Nov 2, 2017 in cs.CR


Enforcing open source licenses such as the GNU General Public License (GPL), analyzing a binary for possible vulnerabilities, and code maintenance are all situations where it is useful to be able to determine the source code provenance of a binary. While previous work has either focused on computing binary-to-binary similarity or source-to-source similarity, BinPro is the first work we are aware of to tackle the problem of source-to-binary similarity. BinPro can match binaries with their source code even without knowing which compiler was used to produce the binary, or what optimization level was used with the compiler. To do this, BinPro utilizes machine learning to compute optimal code features for determining binary-to-source similarity and a static analysis pipeline to extract and compute similarity based on those features. Our experiments show that on average BinPro computes a similarity of 81% for matching binaries and source code of the same applications, and an average similarity of 25% for binaries and source code of similar but different applications. This shows that BinPro's similarity score is useful for determining if a binary was derived from a particular source code.

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