Emergent Mind

Construction of optimal locally repairable codes via automorphism groups of rational function fields

Published Oct 26, 2017 in cs.IT , math.IT , and math.NT


Locally repairable codes, or locally recoverable codes (LRC for short) are designed for application in distributed and cloud storage systems. Similar to classical block codes, there is an important bound called the Singleton-type bound for locally repairable codes. In this paper, an optimal locally repairable code refers to a block code achieving this Singleton-type bound. Like classical MDS codes, optimal locally repairable codes carry some very nice combinatorial structures. Since introduction of the Singleton-type bound for locally repairable codes, people have put tremendous effort on constructions of optimal locally repairable codes. Due to hardness of this problem, there are few constructions of optimal locally repairable codes in literature. Most of these constructions are realized via either combinatorial or algebraic structures. In this paper, we employ automorphism groups of rational function fields to construct optimal locally repairable codes by considering the group action on the projective lines over finite fields. It turns out that we are able to construct optimal locally repairable codes with reflexibility of locality as well as smaller alphabet size comparable to the code length. In particular, we produce new families of $q$-ary locally repairable codes, including codes of length $q+1$ via cyclic groups and codes via dihedral groups.

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