Emergent Mind


In this paper, we present a novel approach to perform deep neural networks layer-wise weight initialization using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Typically, the weights of a deep neural network are initialized with: random values, greedy layer-wise pre-training (usually as Deep Belief Network or as auto-encoder) or by re-using the layers from another network (transfer learning). Hence, many training epochs are needed before meaningful weights are learned, or a rather similar dataset is required for seeding a fine-tuning of transfer learning. In this paper, we describe how to turn an LDA into either a neural layer or a classification layer. We analyze the initialization technique on historical documents. First, we show that an LDA-based initialization is quick and leads to a very stable initialization. Furthermore, for the task of layout analysis at pixel level, we investigate the effectiveness of LDA-based initialization and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art random weight initialization methods.

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