Emergent Mind

Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Channel with a Full-duplex Source

Published Oct 19, 2017 in cs.NI , cs.IT , and math.IT


This paper consider a new secure communication scene where a full-duplex transmitter (Alan) need to transmit confidential information to a half-duplex receiver (Bob), with a silent eavesdropper (Eve) that tries to eavesdrop the confidential information. For realizing secure communication between Alan and Bob, a novel two phases communication scheme is proposed: in Phase 1, Alan and Bob send artificial noises (AN) simultaneously, while in Phase 2, Alan superimposes the AN received in Phase 1 with its confidential signal and sends the mixed signalto Bob. Since the mixed AN could degrade the SINR (Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio) of Eve, but does not affect the SINR of Bob, a secrecy capacity can be achieved. We also derive the conditions that the secrecy capacity of the proposed scheme exists, and analyze the secrecy outage probability under Rayleigh fading channel. Numerical results show that the secrecy capacity is about two times higher than without AN, even though in the proposed scheme half of the time is used to transmit ANs, and the outage probability is about five times lower than that without AN.

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