Emergent Mind


In consequential real-world applications, ML based systems are expected to provide fair and non-discriminatory decisions on candidates from groups defined by protected attributes such as gender and race. These expectations are set via policies or regulations governing data usage and decision criteria (sometimes explicitly calling out decisions by automated systems). Often, the data creator, the feature engineer, the author of the algorithm and the user of the results are different entities, making the task of ensuring fairness in an end-to-end ML pipeline challenging. Manually understanding the policies and ensuring fairness in opaque ML systems is time-consuming and error-prone, thus necessitating an end-to-end system that can: 1) understand policies written in natural language, 2) alert users to policy violations during data usage, and 3) log each activity performed using the data in an immutable storage so that policy compliance or violation can be proven later. We propose such a system to ensure that data owners and users are always in compliance with fairness policies.

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