Emergent Mind

CASICT Tibetan Word Segmentation System for MLWS2017

Published Oct 17, 2017 in cs.CL


We participated in the MLWS 2017 on Tibetan word segmentation task, our system is trained in a unrestricted way, by introducing a baseline system and 76w tibetan segmented sentences of ours. In the system character sequence is processed by the baseline system into word sequence, then a subword unit (BPE algorithm) split rare words into subwords with its corresponding features, after that a neural network classifier is adopted to token each subword into "B,M,E,S" label, in decoding step a simple rule is used to recover a final word sequence. The candidate system for submition is selected by evaluating the F-score in dev set pre-extracted from the 76w sentences. Experiment shows that this method can fix segmentation errors of baseline system and result in a significant performance gain.

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