Emergent Mind

State Complexity of Overlap Assembly

Published Oct 16, 2017 in cs.FL


The \emph{state complexity} of a regular language $Lm$ is the number $m$ of states in a minimal deterministic finite automaton (DFA) accepting $Lm$. The state complexity of a regularity-preserving binary operation on regular languages is defined as the maximal state complexity of the result of the operation where the two operands range over all languages of state complexities $\le m$ and $\le n$, respectively. We find a tight upper bound on the state complexity of the binary operation \emph{overlap assembly} on regular languages. This operation was introduced by Csuhaj-Varj\'u, Petre, and Vaszil to model the process of self-assembly of two linear DNA strands into a longer DNA strand, provided that their ends "overlap". We prove that the state complexity of the overlap assembly of languages $Lm$ and $Ln$, where $m\ge 2$ and $n\ge1$, is at most $2 (m-1) 3{n-1} + 2n$. Moreover, for $m \ge 2$ and $n \ge 3$ there exist languages $Lm$ and $Ln$ over an alphabet of size $n$ whose overlap assembly meets the upper bound and this bound cannot be met with smaller alphabets. Finally, we prove that $m+n$ is a tight upper bound on the overlap assembly of unary languages, and that there are binary languages whose overlap assembly has exponential state complexity at least $m(2{n-1}-2)+2$.

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