Emergent Mind


A massive number of devices are expected to fulfill the missions of sensing, processing and control in cyber-physical Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems with new applications and connectivity requirements. In this context, scarce spectrum resources must accommodate a high traffic volume with stringent requirements of low latency, high reliability and energy efficiency. Conventional centralized network architectures may not be able to fulfill these requirements due to congestion in backhaul links. This article presents a novel design of a robust dynamic edge network architecture (RDNA) for IoT which leverages the latest advances of mobile devices (e.g., their capability to act as access points, storing and computing capabilities) to dynamically harvest unused resources and mitigate network congestion. However, traffic dynamics may compromise the availability of terminal access points and channels and, thus, network connectivity. The proposed design embraces solutions at physical, access, networking, application, and business layers to improve network robustness. The high density of mobile devices provides alternatives for close connectivity which reduces interference and latency, and thus, increases reliability and energy efficiency. Moreover, the computing capabilities of mobile devices project smartness onto the edge which is desirable for autonomous and intelligent decision making. A case study is included to illustrate the performance of RDNA. Potential applications of this architecture in the context of IoT are outlined. Finally, some challenges for future research are presented.

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