Emergent Mind

Harnessing bistability for directional propulsion of untethered, soft robots

Published Oct 12, 2017 in cs.RO and physics.app-ph


In most macro-scale robotics systems , propulsion and controls are enabled through a physical tether or complex on-board electronics and batteries. A tether simplifies the design process but limits the range of motion of the robot, while on-board controls and power supplies are heavy and complicate the design process. Here we present a simple design principle for an untethered, entirely soft, swimming robot with the ability to achieve preprogrammed, directional propulsion without a battery or on-board electronics. Locomotion is achieved by employing actuators that harness the large displacements of bistable elements, triggered by surrounding temperature changes. Powered by shape memory polymer (SMP) muscles, the bistable elements in turn actuates the robot's fins. Our robots are fabricated entirely using a commercially available 3D printer with no post-processing. As a proof-of-concept, we demonstrate the ability to program a vessel, which can autonomously deliver a cargo and navigate back to the deployment point.

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