Emergent Mind

Standard detectors aren't (currently) fooled by physical adversarial stop signs

Published Oct 9, 2017 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.GR


An adversarial example is an example that has been adjusted to produce the wrong label when presented to a system at test time. If adversarial examples existed that could fool a detector, they could be used to (for example) wreak havoc on roads populated with smart vehicles. Recently, we described our difficulties creating physical adversarial stop signs that fool a detector. More recently, Evtimov et al. produced a physical adversarial stop sign that fools a proxy model of a detector. In this paper, we show that these physical adversarial stop signs do not fool two standard detectors (YOLO and Faster RCNN) in standard configuration. Evtimov et al.'s construction relies on a crop of the image to the stop sign; this crop is then resized and presented to a classifier. We argue that the cropping and resizing procedure largely eliminates the effects of rescaling and of view angle. Whether an adversarial attack is robust under rescaling and change of view direction remains moot. We argue that attacking a classifier is very different from attacking a detector, and that the structure of detectors - which must search for their own bounding box, and which cannot estimate that box very accurately - likely makes it difficult to make adversarial patterns. Finally, an adversarial pattern on a physical object that could fool a detector would have to be adversarial in the face of a wide family of parametric distortions (scale; view angle; box shift inside the detector; illumination; and so on). Such a pattern would be of great theoretical and practical interest. There is currently no evidence that such patterns exist.

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