Emergent Mind


This paper presents a novel enumerative biclustering algorithm to directly mine all maximal biclusters in mixed-attribute datasets (containing both numerical and categorical attributes), with or without missing values. The proposal is an extension of RIn-CloseCVC, which was originally conceived to mine perfect or perturbed biclusters with constant values on columns solely from numerical datasets, and without missing values. Even endowed with additional and more general features, the extended RIn-CloseCVC retains four key properties: (1) efficiency, (2) completeness, (3) correctness, and (4) non-redundancy. Our proposal is the first one to deal with mixed-attribute datasets without requiring any pre-processing step, such as discretization and itemization of real-valued attributes. This is a decisive aspect, because discretization and itemization implies a priori decisions, with information loss and no clear control over the consequences. On the other hand, even having to specify a priori an individual threshold for each numerical attribute, that will be used to indicate internal consistency per attribute, each threshold will be applied during the construction of the biclusters, shaping the peculiarities of the data distribution. We also explore the strong connection between biclustering and frequent pattern mining to (1) provide filters to select a compact bicluster set that exhibits high relevance and low redundancy, and (2) in the case of labeled datasets, automatically present the biclusters in a user-friendly and intuitive form, by means of quantitative class association rules. Our experimental results showed that the biclusters yield a parsimonious set of relevant rules, providing useful and interpretable models for five mixed-attribute labeled datasets.

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