Emergent Mind

Scalable Nonlinear AUC Maximization Methods

Published Oct 2, 2017 in cs.LG


The area under the ROC curve (AUC) is a measure of interest in various machine learning and data mining applications. It has been widely used to evaluate classification performance on heavily imbalanced data. The kernelized AUC maximization machines have established a superior generalization ability compared to linear AUC machines because of their capability in modeling the complex nonlinear structure underlying most real-world data. However, the high training complexity renders the kernelized AUC machines infeasible for large-scale data. In this paper, we present two nonlinear AUC maximization algorithms that optimize pairwise linear classifiers over a finite-dimensional feature space constructed via the k-means Nystr\"{o}m method. Our first algorithm maximize the AUC metric by optimizing a pairwise squared hinge loss function using the truncated Newton method. However, the second-order batch AUC maximization method becomes expensive to optimize for extremely massive datasets. This motivate us to develop a first-order stochastic AUC maximization algorithm that incorporates a scheduled regularization update and scheduled averaging techniques to accelerate the convergence of the classifier. Experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed AUC classifiers are more efficient than kernelized AUC machines while they are able to surpass or at least match the AUC performance of the kernelized AUC machines. The experiments also show that the proposed stochastic AUC classifier outperforms the state-of-the-art online AUC maximization methods in terms of AUC classification accuracy.

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