Emergent Mind

From Blind deconvolution to Blind Super-Resolution through convex programming

Published Sep 26, 2017 in cs.IT and math.IT


This paper discusses the recovery of an unknown signal $x\in \mathbb{R}L$ through the result of its convolution with an unknown filter $h \in \mathbb{R}L$. This problem, also known as blind deconvolution, has been studied extensively by the signal processing and applied mathematics communities, leading to a diversity of proofs and algorithms based on various assumptions on the filter and its input. Sparsity of this filter, or in contrast, non vanishing of its Fourier transform are instances of such assumptions. The main result of this paper shows that blind deconvolution can be solved through nuclear norm relaxation in the case of a fully unknown channel, as soon as this channel is probed through a few $N \gtrsim \mu2_m K{1/2}$ input signals $xn = Cn mn$, $n=1,\ldots,N,$ that are living in known $K$-dimensional subspaces $Cn$ of $\mathbb{R}L$. This result holds with high probability on the genericity of the subspaces $C_n$ as soon as $L\gtrsim K{3/2}$ and $N\gtrsim K{1/2}$ up to log factors. Our proof system relies on the construction of a certificate of optimality for the underlying convex program. This certificate expands as a Neumann series and is shown to satisfy the conditions for the recovery of the matrix encoding the unknowns by controlling the terms in this series. An incidental consequence of the result of this paper, following from the lack of assumptions on the filter, is that nuclear norm relaxation can be extended from blind deconvolution to blind super-resolution, as soon as the unknown ideal low pass filter has a sufficiently large support compared to the ambient dimension $L$. Numerical experiments supporting the theory as well as its application to blind super-resolution are provided.

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