Emergent Mind

Generalized Sparse and Low-Rank Optimization for Ultra-Dense Networks

Published Sep 26, 2017 in cs.IT and math.IT


Ultra-dense network (UDN) is a promising technology to further evolve wireless networks and meet the diverse performance requirements of 5G networks. With abundant access points, each with communication, computation and storage resources, UDN brings unprecedented benefits, including significant improvement in network spectral efficiency and energy efficiency, greatly reduced latency to enable novel mobile applications, and the capability of providing massive access for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, such great promises come with formidable research challenges. To design and operate such complex networks with various types of resources, efficient and innovative methodologies will be needed. This motivates the recent introduction of highly structured and generalizable models for network optimization. In this article, we present some recently proposed large-scale sparse and low-rank frameworks for optimizing UDNs, supported by various motivating applications. A special attention is paid on algorithmic approaches to deal with nonconvex objective functions and constraints, as well as computational scalability.

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