Emergent Mind


Graph spanners are well-studied and widely used both in theory and practice. In a recent breakthrough, Chechik and Wulff-Nilsen [CW18] improved the state-of-the-art for light spanners by constructing a $(2k-1)(1+\epsilon)$-spanner with $O(n{1+1/k})$ edges and $O\epsilon(n{1/k})$ lightness. Soon after, Filtser and Solomon [FS19] showed that the classic greedy spanner construction achieves the same bounds The major drawback of the greedy spanner is its running time of $O(mn{1+1/k})$ (which is faster than [CW16]). This makes the construction impractical even for graphs of moderate size. Much faster spanner constructions do exist but they only achieve lightness $\Omega\epsilon(kn{1/k})$, even when randomization is used. The contribution of this paper is deterministic spanner constructions that are fast, and achieve similar bounds as the state-of-the-art slower constructions. Our first result is an $O\epsilon(n{2+1/k+\epsilon'})$ time spanner construction which achieves the state-of-the-art bounds. Our second result is an $O\epsilon(m + n\log n)$ time construction of a spanner with $(2k-1)(1+\epsilon)$ stretch, $O(\log k\cdot n{1+1/k})$ edges and $O_\epsilon(\log k\cdot n{1/k})$ lightness. This is an exponential improvement in the dependence on $k$ compared to the previous result with such running time. Finally, for the important special case where $k=\log n$, for every constant $\epsilon>0$, we provide an $O(m+n{1+\epsilon})$ time construction that produces an $O(\log n)$-spanner with $O(n)$ edges and $O(1)$ lightness which is asymptotically optimal. This is the first known sub-quadratic construction of such a spanner for any $k = \omega(1)$. To achieve our constructions, we show a novel deterministic incremental approximate distance oracle, which may be of independent interest.

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