Emergent Mind

A Semi-Supervised Approach to Detecting Stance in Tweets

Published Sep 3, 2017 in cs.CL


Stance classification aims to identify, for a particular issue under discussion, whether the speaker or author of a conversational turn has Pro (Favor) or Con (Against) stance on the issue. Detecting stance in tweets is a new task proposed for SemEval-2016 Task6, involving predicting stance for a dataset of tweets on the topics of abortion, atheism, climate change, feminism and Hillary Clinton. Given the small size of the dataset, our team created our own topic-specific training corpus by developing a set of high precision hashtags for each topic that were used to query the twitter API, with the aim of developing a large training corpus without additional human labeling of tweets for stance. The hashtags selected for each topic were predicted to be stance-bearing on their own. Experimental results demonstrate good performance for our features for opinion-target pairs based on generalizing dependency features using sentiment lexicons.

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