Emergent Mind

Quantum machines with classical control

Published Sep 4, 2017 in quant-ph and cs.FL


Herein we survey the main results concerning quantum automata and machines with classical control. These machines were originally proposed by Sernadas et al in [37], during the FCT QuantLog project. First, we focus on the expressivity of quantum automata with both quantum and classical states. We revise the result obtained in [32] where it was proved that such automata are able to recognise, with exponentially less states than deterministic finite automata, a family of regular languages that cannot be recognised by other types of quantum automata. Finally, we revise the concept of quantum Turing machine with classical control introduced in [25]. The novelty of these machines consists in the fact that their termination problem is completely deterministic, in opposition to other notions in the literature. Concretely, we revisit the result that such machines fulfil the s-m-n property, while keeping the expressivity of a quantum model for computation.

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