Emergent Mind


Minimum $k$-Section denotes the NP-hard problem to partition the vertex set of a graph into $k$ sets of sizes as equal as possible while minimizing the cut width, which is the number of edges between these sets. When $k$ is an input parameter and $n$ denotes the number of vertices, it is NP-hard to approximate the width of a minimum $k$-section within a factor of $nc$ for any $c<1$, even when restricted to trees with constant diameter. Here, we show that every tree $T$ allows a $k$-section of width at most $(k-1) (2 + 16n / diam(T) ) \Delta(T)$. This implies a polynomial-time constant-factor approximation for the Minimum $k$-Section Problem when restricted to trees with linear diameter and constant maximum degree. Moreover, we extend our results from trees to arbitrary graphs with a given tree decomposition.

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