Emergent Mind

Deep Scene Text Detection with Connected Component Proposals

Published Aug 17, 2017 in cs.CV


A growing demand for natural-scene text detection has been witnessed by the computer vision community since text information plays a significant role in scene understanding and image indexing. Deep neural networks are being used due to their strong capabilities of pixel-wise classification or word localization, similar to being used in common vision problems. In this paper, we present a novel two-task network with integrating bottom and top cues. The first task aims to predict a pixel-by-pixel labeling and based on which, word proposals are generated with a canonical connected component analysis. The second task aims to output a bundle of character candidates used later to verify the word proposals. The two sub-networks share base convolutional features and moreover, we present a new loss to strengthen the interaction between them. We evaluate the proposed network on public benchmark datasets and show it can detect arbitrary-orientation scene text with a finer output boundary. In ICDAR 2013 text localization task, we achieve the state-of-the-art performance with an F-score of 0.919 and a much better recall of 0.915.

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