Emergent Mind

Parametrization and generation of geological models with generative adversarial networks

Published Aug 5, 2017 in stat.ML , physics.comp-ph , physics.data-an , and physics.geo-ph


One of the main challenges in the parametrization of geological models is the ability to capture complex geological structures often observed in the subsurface. In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GAN) were proposed as an efficient method for the generation and parametrization of complex data, showing state-of-the-art performances in challenging computer vision tasks such as reproducing natural images (handwritten digits, human faces, etc.). In this work, we study the application of Wasserstein GAN for the parametrization of geological models. The effectiveness of the method is assessed for uncertainty propagation tasks using several test cases involving different permeability patterns and subsurface flow problems. Results show that GANs are able to generate samples that preserve the multipoint statistical features of the geological models both visually and quantitatively. The generated samples reproduce both the geological structures and the flow statistics of the reference geology.

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