Emergent Mind

Recognizing Graphs Close to Bipartite Graphs with an Application to Colouring Reconfiguration

Published Jul 31, 2017 in cs.DS , cs.DM , and math.CO


We continue research into a well-studied family of problems that ask whether the vertices of a graph can be partitioned into sets $A$ and~$B$, where $A$ is an independent set and $B$ induces a graph from some specified graph class ${\cal G}$. We let ${\cal G}$ be the class of $k$-degenerate graphs. This problem is known to be polynomial-time solvable if $k=0$ (bipartite graphs) and NP-complete if $k=1$ (near-bipartite graphs) even for graphs of maximum degree $4$. Yang and Yuan [DM, 2006] showed that the $k=1$ case is polynomial-time solvable for graphs of maximum degree $3$. This also follows from a result of Catlin and Lai [DM, 1995]. We consider graphs of maximum degree $k+2$ on $n$ vertices. We show how to find $A$ and $B$ in $O(n)$ time for $k=1$, and in $O(n2)$ time for $k\geq 2$. Together, these results provide an algorithmic version of a result of Catlin [JCTB, 1979] and also provide an algorithmic version of a generalization of Brook's Theorem, which was proven in a more general way by Borodin, Kostochka and Toft [DM, 2000] and Matamala [JGT, 2007]. Moreover, the two results enable us to complete the complexity classification of an open problem of Feghali et al. [JGT, 2016]: finding a path in the vertex colouring reconfiguration graph between two given $\ell$-colourings of a graph of maximum degree $k$.

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