Emergent Mind

Boolean dimension and tree-width

Published Jul 19, 2017 in math.CO and cs.DS


The dimension is a key measure of complexity of partially ordered sets. Small dimension allows succinct encoding. Indeed if $P$ has dimension $d$, then to know whether $x \leq y$ in $P$ it is enough to check whether $x\leq y$ in each of the $d$ linear extensions of a witnessing realizer. Focusing on the encoding aspect Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and Pudl\'{a}k defined a more expressive version of dimension. A poset $P$ has boolean dimension at most $d$ if it is possible to decide whether $x \leq y$ in $P$ by looking at the relative position of $x$ and $y$ in only $d$ permutations of the elements of $P$. We prove that posets with cover graphs of bounded tree-width have bounded boolean dimension. This stays in contrast with the fact that there are posets with cover graphs of tree-width three and arbitrarily large dimension. This result might be a step towards a resolution of the long-standing open problem: Do planar posets have bounded boolean dimension?

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