Emergent Mind


Scale-out parallel processing based on MPI is a 25-year-old standard with at least another decade of preceding history of enabling technologies in the High Performance Computing community. Newer frameworks such as MapReduce, Hadoop, and Spark represent industrial scalable computing solutions that have received broad adoption because of their comparative simplicity of use, applicability to relevant problems, and ability to harness scalable, distributed resources. While MPI provides performance and portability, it lacks in productivity and fault tolerance. Likewise, Spark is a specific example of a current-generation MapReduce and data-parallel computing infrastructure that addresses those goals but in turn lacks peer communication support to allow featherweight, highly scalable peer-to-peer data-parallel code sections. The key contribution of this paper is to demonstrate how to introduce the collective and point-to-point peer communication concepts of MPI into a Spark environment. This is done in order to produce performance-portable, peer-oriented and group-oriented communication services while retaining the essential, desirable properties of Spark. Additional concepts of fault tolerance and productivity are considered. This approach is offered in contrast to adding MapReduce framework as upper-middleware based on a traditional MPI implementation as baseline infrastructure.

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