Emergent Mind

Inner-Scene Similarities as a Contextual Cue for Object Detection

Published Jul 14, 2017 in cs.CV


Using image context is an effective approach for improving object detection. Previously proposed methods used contextual cues that rely on semantic or spatial information. In this work, we explore a different kind of contextual information: inner-scene similarity. We present the CISS (Context by Inner Scene Similarity) algorithm, which is based on the observation that two visually similar sub-image patches are likely to share semantic identities, especially when both appear in the same image. CISS uses base-scores provided by a base detector and performs as a post-detection stage. For each candidate sub-image (denoted anchor), the CISS algorithm finds a few similar sub-images (denoted supporters), and, using them, calculates a new enhanced score for the anchor. This is done by utilizing the base-scores of the supporters and a pre-trained dependency model. The new scores are modeled as a linear function of the base scores of the anchor and the supporters and is estimated using a minimum mean square error optimization. This approach results in: (a) improved detection of partly occluded objects (when there are similar non-occluded objects in the scene), and (b) fewer false alarms (when the base detector mistakenly classifies a background patch as an object). This work relates to Duncan and Humphreys' "similarity theory," a psychophysical study. which suggested that the human visual system perceptually groups similar image regions and that the classification of one region is affected by the estimated identity of the other. Experimental results demonstrate the enhancement of a base detector's scores on the PASCAL VOC dataset.

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