Emergent Mind

Disentangling Motion, Foreground and Background Features in Videos

Published Jul 13, 2017 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.MM


This paper introduces an unsupervised framework to extract semantically rich features for video representation. Inspired by how the human visual system groups objects based on motion cues, we propose a deep convolutional neural network that disentangles motion, foreground and background information. The proposed architecture consists of a 3D convolutional feature encoder for blocks of 16 frames, which is trained for reconstruction tasks over the first and last frames of the sequence. A preliminary supervised experiment was conducted to verify the feasibility of proposed method by training the model with a fraction of videos from the UCF-101 dataset taking as ground truth the bounding boxes around the activity regions. Qualitative results indicate that the network can successfully segment foreground and background in videos as well as update the foreground appearance based on disentangled motion features. The benefits of these learned features are shown in a discriminative classification task, where initializing the network with the proposed pretraining method outperforms both random initialization and autoencoder pretraining. Our model and source code are publicly available at https://imatge-upc.github.io/unsupervised-2017-cvprw/ .

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