Emergent Mind

Random Walks on Small World Networks

Published Jul 8, 2017 in cs.DM


We study the mixing time of random walks on small-world networks modelled as follows: starting with the 2-dimensional periodic grid, each pair of vertices ${u,v}$ with distance $d>1$ is added as a "long-range" edge with probability proportional to $d{-r}$, where $r\geq 0$ is a parameter of the model. Kleinberg studied a close variant of this network model and proved that the (decentralised) routing time is $O((\log n)2)$ when $r=2$ and $n{\Omega(1)}$ when $r\neq 2$. Here, we prove that the random walk also undergoes a phase transition at $r=2$, but in this case the phase transition is of a different form. We establish that the mixing time is $\Theta(\log n)$ for $r<2$, $O((\log n)^4)$ for $r=2$ and $n^{\Omega(1)}$ for $r>2$.

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