Emergent Mind


In this paper, we introduce a weighted $\ell2/\ell1$ minimization to recover block sparse signals with arbitrary prior support information. When partial prior support information is available, a sufficient condition based on the high order block RIP is derived to guarantee stable and robust recovery of block sparse signals via the weighted $\ell2/\ell1$ minimization. We then show if the accuracy of arbitrary prior block support estimate is at least $50\%$, the sufficient recovery condition by the weighted $\ell2/\ell{1}$ minimization is weaker than that by the $\ell2/\ell{1}$ minimization, and the weighted $\ell2/\ell{1}$ minimization provides better upper bounds on the recovery error in terms of the measurement noise and the compressibility of the signal. Moreover, we illustrate the advantages of the weighted $\ell2/\ell1$ minimization approach in the recovery performance of block sparse signals under uniform and non-uniform prior information by extensive numerical experiments. The significance of the results lies in the facts that making explicit use of block sparsity and partial support information of block sparse signals can achieve better recovery performance than handling the signals as being in the conventional sense, thereby ignoring the additional structure and prior support information in the problem.

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