Emergent Mind

Continuum Limit of Posteriors in Graph Bayesian Inverse Problems

Published Jun 22, 2017 in math.PR , math.AP , math.SP , math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


We consider the problem of recovering a function input of a differential equation formulated on an unknown domain $M$. We assume to have access to a discrete domain $Mn={x1, \dots, xn} \subset M$, and to noisy measurements of the output solution at $p\le n$ of those points. We introduce a graph-based Bayesian inverse problem, and show that the graph-posterior measures over functions in $Mn$ converge, in the large $n$ limit, to a posterior over functions in $M$ that solves a Bayesian inverse problem with known domain. The proofs rely on the variational formulation of the Bayesian update, and on a new topology for the study of convergence of measures over functions on point clouds to a measure over functions on the continuum. Our framework, techniques, and results may serve to lay the foundations of robust uncertainty quantification of graph-based tasks in machine learning. The ideas are presented in the concrete setting of recovering the initial condition of the heat equation on an unknown manifold.

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