Emergent Mind


We propose Roadside Unit (RSU) Clouds as a novel way to offer non-safety application with QoS for VANETs. The architecture of RSU Clouds is delineated, and consists of traditional RSUs and specialized micro-datacenters and virtual machines (VMs) using Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN offers the flexibility to migrate or replicate virtual services and reconfigure the data forwarding rules dynamically. However, frequent changes to service hosts and data flows not only result in degradation of services, but are also costly for service providers. In this paper, we use Mininet to analyze and formally quantify the reconfiguration overhead. Our unique RSU Cloud Resource Management (CRM) model jointly minimizes reconfiguration overhead, cost of service deployment and infrastructure routing delay. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to utilize this approach. We compare the performance of purist approach to our Integer Linear Programming (ILP) model and our innovative heuristic for the CRM technique and discuss the results. We will show the benefits of a holistic approach in Cloud Resource Management with SDN.

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