Emergent Mind

Learning to Learn from Noisy Web Videos

Published Jun 9, 2017 in cs.CV


Understanding the simultaneously very diverse and intricately fine-grained set of possible human actions is a critical open problem in computer vision. Manually labeling training videos is feasible for some action classes but doesn't scale to the full long-tailed distribution of actions. A promising way to address this is to leverage noisy data from web queries to learn new actions, using semi-supervised or "webly-supervised" approaches. However, these methods typically do not learn domain-specific knowledge, or rely on iterative hand-tuned data labeling policies. In this work, we instead propose a reinforcement learning-based formulation for selecting the right examples for training a classifier from noisy web search results. Our method uses Q-learning to learn a data labeling policy on a small labeled training dataset, and then uses this to automatically label noisy web data for new visual concepts. Experiments on the challenging Sports-1M action recognition benchmark as well as on additional fine-grained and newly emerging action classes demonstrate that our method is able to learn good labeling policies for noisy data and use this to learn accurate visual concept classifiers.

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