Emergent Mind

Bipedal locomotion using variable stiffness actuation

Published Jun 1, 2017 in cs.RO


Robust and energy-efficient bipedal locomotion in robotics is still a challenging topic. In order to address issues in this field, we can take inspiration from nature, by studying human locomotion. The Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum (SLIP) model has shown to be a good model for this purpose. However, the human musculoskeletal system enables us to actively modulate leg stiffness, for example when walking in rough terrain with irregular and unexpected height variations of the walking surface. This ability of varying leg stiffness is not considered in conventional SLIP-based models, and therefore this paper explores the potential role of active leg stiffness variation in bipedal locomotion. It is shown that the conceptual SLIP model can be iteratively extended to more closely resemble a realistic (i.e., non-ideal) walker, and that feedback control strategies can be designed that reproduce the SLIP behavior in these extended models. We show that these extended models realize a cost of transport comparable to human walking, which indicates that active leg stiffness variation plays an important role in human locomotion that was previously not captured by the SLIP model. The results of this study show that active leg stiffness adaptation is a promising approach for realizing more energy-efficient and robust bipedal walking robots.

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