Emergent Mind

A Composition Theorem for Randomized Query Complexity

Published Jun 1, 2017 in cs.CC


Let the randomized query complexity of a relation for error probability $\epsilon$ be denoted by $R\epsilon(\cdot)$. We prove that for any relation $f \subseteq {0,1}n \times \mathcal{R}$ and Boolean function $g:{0,1}m \rightarrow {0,1}$, $R{1/3}(f\circ gn) = \Omega(R{4/9}(f)\cdot R{1/2-1/n4}(g))$, where $f \circ gn$ is the relation obtained by composing $f$ and $g$. We also show that $R{1/3}\left(f \circ \left(g\oplus{O(\log n)}\right)n\right)=\Omega(\log n \cdot R{4/9}(f) \cdot R{1/3}(g))$, where $g\oplus_{O(\log n)}$ is the function obtained by composing the xor function on $O(\log n)$ bits and $gt$.

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